CDL Driving School Insurance In Flordia
If you run a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) driving school, you’re already aware of the laws and regulations required to operate. But have you also taken the necessary steps to protect your business? Business owners often overlook CDL Driving School Insurance, but this can be a grave error. Being sued, whether it’s your fault or not, can mean the difference between running a successful business and going bust.
The number of commercial vehicles in the US stood at almost 142,000 in 2015 and demand continues to grow. This is good news for Commercial Driving License (CDL) schools. The more demand there is for vehicles, the more people are needed to drive them.
If you fail to protect yourself, you leave yourself open to litigation and costly court cases that could result in bankruptcy.
Road accidents are common all over the world. The risk of having an accident increases if the driver is inexperienced or lacks proper training. In 2018, there were around 40,000 deaths caused by road accidents. 40% of those accidents were caused by a vehicle colliding into a static object. 38% of the accidents were collisions with another vehicle.
While many drivers believe that they are safe from accidents because they drive prudently, it’s wise to consider the top five causes of collisions. Most of them could apply to any driver.
- Speeding
- Brake problems
- Unfamiliar roads
- Over-the-counter drug use
- Environmental circumstances
Now reconsider the risk of collision when the driver is learning to operate the vehicle. Even under the guidance of instructors, inexperienced drivers can easily lose control of a vehicle and collide with an object, or, worse still, a person. If the pupil was driving in one of your vehicles, it stands to reason that your driving school will need to take some heat for this, even if the circumstances were out of your control. That’s why it’s so important to ensure you have CDL Driving School Insurance.
Having insurance can reduce the impact of costly lawsuits, but other steps can minimize problems while your instructors are busy teaching their pupils:
- Perform full and regular safety checks on all vehicles used for driving school purposes.
- Ensure drivers adhere to road rules and speeding limits at all times.
- Avoid taking vehicles out in extreme weather conditions.
- Ensure your instructors are fully qualified and vetted.
- End a lesson immediately if the pupil seems unwell or unfocused.
- End a lesson if something seems wrong with the vehicle.
We can offer you customized CDL Driving School Insurance solutions using our unique “all-in-one” approach. By visiting your company, we can provide a risk management review, which will include safety recommendations. Then you may be able to take advantage of discounts for practicing risk management, such as proactive measures, dashboard cameras, continuing education courses, and more.
By reviewing your experience level, operations, and requirements for liability insurance, we can find a policy that’s designed to fit your needs perfectly. Even if you’ve had trouble getting insurance in the past or if other insurers have turned you down, we can usually help.
,and offers coverage solutions for:
- Commercial auto liability
- Commercial auto physical damage
- New operators coverage
- Contingent auto
- Hired & non-owned auto liability
- Excess auto liability
Please note that we are unable to offer auto insurance in certain states. To check availability in your state,
Our CDL Driving School Insurance solution is designed to give you the right coverage, leaving you protected against liability claims and costly lawsuits. The peace of mind comes free!
CDL Driving School Insurance is just one of the many liability insurances that we provide solutions for. We are also proud to serve other areas of the auto industry, including:
- Trucks and automobiles used for business purposes
- Taxi cabs
- Limousines
- Long-haul trucking
- Medical transport vehicles
- Buses
Get a quote online or call us today at: 786.601.2485
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