December 15, 2022
Jennifer Widera

Watercraft Insurance

What is Watercraft insurance?

Watercraft insurance helps insure you and your personal watercraft against accidents, vandalism, and liability. That means smooth riding. The Dorsal insurance Company can help you get the right personal watercraft policy to suit your needs.

What does Watercraft insurance cover?

The most important part that’s covered is you. A personal watercraft insurance policy typically insures you against many common liability losses regardless of whether you operate it yourself or loan it to another person.

In situations like these, you may be covered for:

  • Damage to another craft or dock
  • Bodily injury or death to another person due to your negligence
  • The negligence of another driver while using your Watercraft
  • Towed water skiers or wake boarders who become injured using your craft
  • Physical damage to the hull, machinery, and equipment
  • Injury to you caused by an uninsured watercraft operator
  • Towing assistance if you break down on the water

What is excluded from a Watercraft Insurance policy?

You should read each line in your policy to get the facts on excluded items.

Typical examples of what’s not covered are:

  • Any craft that has been modified to enhance speed and performance
  • Operation of a WaterCraft after dark—dusk to dawn

Because insurance needs differ depending on the type of personal watercraft you own, read the details in your policy to see what is covered and what is specifically excluded.


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